Mike Foss
Rob Rhine
Rob Rhine
Rob Rhine
Pat Batton
Cover By
Rob Rhine
The Maniacal Smile | 24pg. | Color | 3.99 US
Issue 6

Taking a night off from being the city of Utopia's reservist hero, The Maniacal Smile, Alex takes Nikki out on a date. Unfortunately for both of them, a parasite within Alex decides to make its presence known. With the help of Quadriplegic Man, The Maniacal Smile is forced to face a menace powered by his very own super guts. Slap down a hemorrhoidal comfort ring and endure the EXIT of the Atomic Tapeworm!

Born with super irritable bowel syndrome, Alex McClendon uses his powers to protect the city of Utopia. And when he dons The Maniacal Smile suit, you can be sure that there'll be a splatter of action. Keeping Alex from just farting around with his powers are his ex-hero Uncle Rich and his lab assistant the enigmatic E.V.I.L. Robot. But not everyone knows that Alex is the Maniacal Smile. His best friends Puffy, who owns a comic book shop, and Nikki can never seem to spend any time with the ever-disappearing Alex. Teenage angst, girl problems, and city destroying threats are all a day in the life of THE MANIACAL SMILE!

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- From Fierce Comics

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